ChemoMetec 是細胞計數和分析設備制造商。我們專注于開發和生產高精度儀器,為生物技術、制藥和學術領域的數千名客戶提供一致的數據。
NucleoCounter® NC-200™ 自動細胞計數儀是一種采用先進圖像細胞計數技術的高精度儀器。它對懸浮細胞、聚集細胞、CAR-T 細胞、干細胞和微載體上的細胞進行計數。
NucleoCounter® NC-200™ 自動細胞計數器配備優化的細胞計數和活力測量分析設置。NC-200™ 連同其用戶可調整的協議和專門化驗,是一種用于細胞計數和細胞活力測定的一體化解決方案。
這種閉式細胞計數系統可幫助您在處理樣本時保持安全。無需移液器、不接觸(有毒)試劑以及最少的清理工作使 NucleoCounter® 系統成為安全的選擇。
The NucleoCounter® The NucleoCounter® is the most precise cell counter in the life science market. It uses the disposable Via1-Cassette™ to combine sampling, staining and counting into one simple process that conveniently increases precision. We attribute the NucleoCounter® instrument’s enormous success to its unique cell counting method. The NucleoCounter® uses the Via1-Cassette™, which automatically stains the sample with fluorescent nuclear dyes to accurately detect individual live and dead cells despite clumps, beads, or low viability. Together with a useful GMP software package, this counting procedure has placed the NucleoCounter® as the leading cell counting method for companies working with cell therapeutics. Precise Cell Counting The Via1-Cassette™ is our keystone technology for achieving highly precise cell counts. It combines cell sampling, staining, and counting chamber loading into one consistent workflow. Each Via1-Cassette™ has a dot code indicating the exact volume of the counting chamber. The dot code is read by the NucleoCounter® when it calculates the cell concentration. The NucleoCounter® uses fixed focus optics for image acquisition, eliminating dependence on manual or auto-focusing steps in the cell counting workflow. Together, the Via1-Cassette™ and the NucleoCounter® eliminate several important sources of variation, which increases the overall precision and reliability of the cell count。
NucleoCounter® NC-3000™
NucleoCounter® NC-250™
NucleoCounter® NC-202™
NucleoCounter® NC-200™
NucleoCounter® YC-100™
NucleoCounter® SP-100™
Via2-Cassette™ 941-0024
Via1-Cassette™ 941-0012
NucleoCassette™ - 用于 NucleoCounter® 的專用細胞采樣盒 941-0002
PI-Cassette™ - 細胞取樣盒 941-0016
SP-1 Cassette™ - 用于精--子細胞計數的采樣盒 941-0006
SCC-Cassette™ - 用于體細胞計數的采樣盒 941-0008
NC-Slide A2™ 942-0001
NC-Slide A8™ 942-0003等。